
Home / Creativity / Why a Medical Doctor and Specialist in Psychiatry is SCEPTICAL(!!!) to 12-step programs:

Why a Medical Doctor and Specialist in Psychiatry is SCEPTICAL(!!!) to 12-step programs:

12 Step programs are not all bad, like most in life. It is not back or white. But it is important to be aware of the guru culture that exists inside these groups. It’s unfortunately more common than you thing.

Some things to be aware of:

  • They say to be non profit and free of charge. But the looks you get not putting money in the basket bullies you to d it even if you need your money for other things. I have seen poor people being bullied to pay their last penny that was ment for bread.
  • Gurus. The programs are suposed to have no leaders. But the hecking order is very clearly established even if not official. God forbid you question a popular member! It leads to bullying. I have seen cases were people were bullied into considering suicide.
  • Very sick people healing very sick people? A blind leading a blind?
  • No wisdom of medical knowledge and conspiracy theories against any medications are common. I have seen it lead to people stopping their medication, going into full blown psychosis and having to stay in the hospital for months.
  • Strenght. You have to be avery strong individual to be able to differentiate the good from the bad as these groups are highly manipulative. A very similar recrutation and approach process as the Scientologists.
  • Religion. Is supposed to be free of religion and spiritual but – it really isnt. It’s as Christian as you can get. I have been accused for being a witch that should leave as I was there in an open meeting for journalistic purposes. My ametist pendant and cat shirt, piercings and overall a bit witchy look provoked a member. He asked another woman to join him to tell me i should convert and follow the path of Christ, I already do. But who cares and should they, really?
  • Using you for money, driving, etc. The program is about helping eachother out. But as a newcomer its hard to say no. On my first visit to NA (Narcotics Anonymous) I was asked to drive this group of women 7 h one way to some retreat. Ofcourse it was a clear no from me. But some people are not strong enough to say no. And that’s what REAL medical treatment and psychotherapy is for. Not a group of hobby psychologists with fried brains after years of drugs and alcohol.

Lastly for today – keep safe. Say no. The word NO is wholy and needs no explanations.

Please write to me what you experience is with 12 step programs! I will read every emaol and maybe you will be selected to participate in my new book if you wish <3

Lots of healing hugsa and love. Believe in your inner strength – I do. No curling here. Im just a Shaman that accidentally also became a medical doctor sharing her thoughts.

Norn Hekate Hauk Pauline Soldottir

(Dr Jessica Szelag Goralski)

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