Individual first time consultation
First time visit includes psychiatric assessment and recommendations on how to move forward with your life. Recommendations for you on how to solve your issue as fast and cost effective as possible. Information about your diagnosis if one is able to be assessed that quickly. A possibility for you to get to know your future therapist, ask relevant questions for you and get an action plan on what to do next. 45 min with your therapist.
What is not included is prescriptions and documents. There are separate fees for those.
Cost/investment: 3000 kr.
Individual consultation after the initial first consultation
45 min for you to continue the conversation, assessment and therapy before you decide to go into a structured therapy. Possibility to further assess if there is a diagnosis.
What is not included is prescriptions and documents. There are separate fees for those.
Cost/investment: 2800 kr.
Structured therapy after the initial first consultation
10 meetings. 45 min each. Double hours are possible.
This can only be booked after a first consultation has been made. Here we have already decided on a treatment plan and follow it. It is most often 1 meeting/week but could vary. Online video meetings or phone meetings are available.
Here we can work with classical therapy like CBT or PDT. We could work with Jungian psychoanalysis. Clinical hypnosis. Dream analysis. Art therapy. The therapy is structured to meet your individual needs.
2 prescription times are included.
Cost/investment: 27 500 kr.
Individual first time couples therapy consultation
First time visit includes psychiatric assessment and recommendations on how to move forward with your life. Recommendations for you on how to solve your communication issue as fast and cost effective as possible. A possibility for you to get to know your future therapist, ask relevant questions for you and get an action plan on what to do next. 60 min with your therapist.
What is not included is prescriptions and documents. There are separate fees for those.
Cost/investment 4250 kr.
Structured couple therapy (after the initial first consultation)
- 10 meetings. 60 min each. Double hours are possible.
This can only be booked after a first consultation has been made. Here we have already decided on a treatment plan and follow it. It is most often 1 meeting/week but could vary. Online video meetings or phone meetings are available.
Here we can work with transactional psychotherapy, communicatio, classical therapy like CBT or PDT. We could work with Jungian psychoanalysis. Clinical hypnosis. Dream analysis. Art therapy. The therapy is structured to meet your individual couple needs.
2 prescription times are included.
You have 3 months to finish your sessions.
You can send one email and one text message a week and get an answer within a couple of days.
No documents concerning sick leave are included. For that you need an individual visit.
You have 3 months to finish your sessions.
You can send one email and one text message a week and get an answer within a couple of days.
Cost/investment into saving and evolving your relationship: 39 995 kr.
Sick-leave, and other documents. You need to have been on at least one consultation before a document can be written, most often 3 visits before, depending on the extent of the document.
Sick-leave document is 1599 kr.
Other documents start from 2500 kr and up.
You need to have been on at least one consultation to be able to book a prescription time.
Cost: 559 kr independent on the amount of various medications you need.
Group consultations, workshops, etc.
Please fill in the contact form with your request and I will come back as soon as possible with a plan proposal.