Why a Medical Doctor and Specialist in Psychiatry is SCEPTICAL(!!!) to 12-step programs:
12 Step programs are not all bad, like most in life. It is not back or white. But it is important to be aware of the guru culture that exists inside these groups. It’s unfortunately …

From a resting wheelchair to an almost ready ship
23/7 2021 Dream Report Considering doing drugs and becoming a drug addict. Traveling over wet swamps wintertime/ late autumn.Sitting in a wheelchair on a square, lots of ppl, waiting for some delivery. I can walk …

Whales in the Ocean Sky
20/7 2021 Dream Report Forrest, beautiful nature, lake, jumping up on a ship. Old cottage. Speaking event, having anxiety and talking about it. Another man also having a presentation about anxiety. During his VR presentation …
Bokcirkeln “Kvinnor som slår följe med vargarna”
…”En tillit till att det döljer sig en djupare mening i allt detta, att även de skenbart obetydligaste händelser är meningsfulla, att allting i livet – det trasiga, det fula, det sjungande, det svävande – …

Odd Games – Finding guidance through colorful images in dreams
Corona had been a successful obstacle to start my physical groups and workshops. 1,5 years hade already passed since I had put my big plans on hold. I was feeling restless and my mind had …
Seeing the future in dreams again!
I dreamt the following dream on 13th of May 2021: I am at a place that looks like Ale Stenar (Swedish Stonehenge) and I am trying to take a photo of the stones without people …
Catching up with the Vodka Goats
Dreamt and illustrated 8/4 2021, Title Vodka Goats A man teaching me how to make vodka drinks. The cheaper vodka drink uses an Irish vodka with two horned goats on it and it is called …

The world desperately needs non-intrusive Dream Teachers and Guides
Parting with the Jungian school of Analytic Psychology started through a series of dreams showing me that my Unconscious just wasn’t along for the ride. I had been so happy to start the education as …